2017 Audi Q7 SUV Will Make You A Better Driver With Smart Technology

Consumers in the market for a new car this holiday season might want to wait for a few more days to get a better look at Audi's 2017 Q7 SUV. It will hit showrooms next month, and it offers an important value proposition that is hard to resist: smart driving with a focus on safety.

Suppose you are turning the car left but you did not spot a vehicle coming toward you from the opposite direction. The Q7's onboard smart technology will take control in case you step on the accelerator, effectively putting yourself on the oncoming car's path. The safety technology would kick in the brakes, saving you from certain danger. The system is also capable of chiding the driver who is not keeping his hands on the wheel. These are just some of the factors that make the Q7 an attractive vehicle. The car feels like it was engineered to be a sport sedan rather than a 4,900-pound SUV, according to Digital Trends.

There are observers who brand the Q7 as a "nanny" car. That is, it protects the motorist from his own bad habits, Engadget reported. Certainly, it cannot police or cure just every action that makes many car owners bad drivers. It is difficult to entirely refrain from using your smartphone while driving or observing appropriate driving behavior such as braking at the right moment at stop lights. But Audi technology does increase the level of safety for the distracted or simply the bad driver through its camera scanners and sensors.

The Q7, however, is not all about safety to the point that it is already boring and intrusive. Aside from its engine technology, its suspension setups allow for quick and smooth changes to direction without a lot of body roll, noted Auto Week.

Audi, Self-driving car