Google Resumes Mailing Service Without Fuss Following Mass Panic Over Outage

Gmail is back after the site suffered an outage for a few hours, Wednesday.

The server failure perturbed many of its users across several countries and it seems like the search engine giant has efficiently resolved the issue.

The Google app status Dashboard did not report any outage issues across the bar. But according to the reports from Down Right Now, the Gmail server went down past 11 pm EDT (9.30 a.m. IST). Down Right Now is a service monitoring site that keeps track of the status of the websites based on user comments and official announcements and also notifies users if the site goes down or resumes.

Many of the Gmail users failed to access their Gmail accounts and faced error messages when they tried to login into the site, reports tech2. Some of the Gmail users started venting their frustration on Twitter claiming they were being redirected to the Dashboard when they tried to login to their Gmail accounts. Few of them even posted screenshots of the error messages. One of the Gmail holder Jim Macmillan, tweeted,

GMail is down... BoSox win the Series. Clearly, this is the apocalypse!

- Jason Mollica (@JasMollica) October 31, 2013

Another Gmail user, Scott Bishop complained of facing similar issues,

Looks like GMail is down. Fax me if you need to get ahold of me. - Scott Bishop (@thescottbishop) October 31, 2013

However, the present status for Gmail shows green on the Down Right Now meaning the site is back after the shut down.

This is not the first time Gmail users are facing issues with server outage. The site went down last week for many of its users in Latin America. Google had acknowledged the problem stating, "We're investigating reports of an issue with Gmail. We will provide more information shortly," reveals a recent post on Softpedia.

In August, Google services were not available for around five minutes. It is alleged by some analytics reports that Google consequently faced a 40 percent fall in web traffic.

Google, Error, Accounts, Gmail, Mass, Panic, Twitter, Message, Site, Outage, Users