
Restless Nights? 5 Reasons Why You Aren't Sleeping

Restless nights are the worst. Tossing and turning, getting increasingly annoyed at the world, more tossing and turning, grasping at sleep but finding none, counting how many hours worth of sleep you'd get if you fell asleep right now, tossing and turning... and then you hear your alarm! There are several reasons why this could be happening, but it's the uncertainty that's most frustrating. Here's a breakdown of some of the reasons why you just can't fall asleep:

1. Temperature: Though it might seem nice to sleep in a cocoon of warmth all night, it's better to sleep in a cool room with some warm, wonderful blankets. A hot water bottle for your feet is a great way to keep those icy extremities warm without cranking up the dry, artificial heat.

2. Caffeine: You probably already know to avoid coffee, cola, dark chocolate and some teas after a certain point in the afternoon (which varies for everyone). Some people won't sleep if they even think about drinking a coffee after 2 p.m., while others can have an after-dinner espresso and still sleep like a baby. If you're having recurring restless nights, try cutting out caffeine post-noon and see if it helps.

3. You Messed With Your Sleep Cycle: That night out Saturday that kept you in bed on Sunday until 3 p.m.? You can thank it for several night's frustration, says Best Health.

4. Peaceful Quiet: Though it's counterintuitive, a completely silent sleep environment can be hard to crash in because every little sound can be disruptive, says the Huffington Post. Try listening to soft music on the radio, like a classical station, or use an app that plays white noise.

5. Screens: Stop reading this article, shut off your smartphone, tablet or computer and open a book. Books don't emit the unnatural light that most gadgets do, which has been shown to cause sleeplessness in those who browse online before bed, says Business Insider.

Sleep, Insomnia, Caffeine, Light, Temperature, Screens
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