Pope Francis Boy: Child Wanders Onto Stage As Pope Speaks To Thousands (VIDEO)

A young boy wandered onto the stage during a speech by Pope Francis as he spoke to thousands of people in Vatican City on Saturday, USA TODAY reported.

Identified as the "boy in yellow," he ran up to the Pontiff as he spoke to an estimated 150,000 people during an event about families. Francis initially greeted him with a pat on the head and allowed him to meander the stage as he continued to speak.

Despite some Vatican aides and even cardinals attempting to catch the boy's attention to lure him away from the pope, he responded by grabbing onto Francis' leg, who continued his speech to the crowd unperturbed.

During the event, the Pontiff spoke about families and suggested we say "thank you" more often.

His calm approach the the "boy in yellow" adds to the international praise he's received for being humble and promising to reform the church.

"The church is or should go back to being a community of God's people, and priests, pastors and bishops who have the care of souls, are at the service of the people of God," he said in an interview with Italian publication La Repubblica, which was conducted in a Vatican guest house.

In the interview, he also condemned the "Vatican-centric" essence of the Holy See and admitted that previous popes developed narcissistic attitudes.

"Leaders of the Church have often been Narcissus, flattered and sickeningly excited by their courtiers. The court is the leprosy of the papacy," Francis said. "This Vatican-centric view neglects the world around us. I do not share this view and I'll do everything I can to change it."

His comments garnered acclaim from churchgoers and leaders around the world, including President Barack Obama.

"I have been hugely impressed with the pope's pronouncements," Obama said. He described Francis as "somebody who lives out the teachings of Christ. Incredible humility -- incredible sense of empathy to the least of these, to the poor."