Recipe: Best Scrambled Eggs Ever

Scrambled eggs are one of the simplest dishes out there, and are often one of the first things children learn to cook. However, cooking amazing scrambled eggs is a different story.

It's easy to make rubbery, spongy scrambled eggs that taste like nothing. What takes a little more skill and patience is making velvety, flavorful, buttery scrambled eggs — and we're here to show you how. The key is to cook them low and slow, said Mark Bittman for New York Times Food.

Our method is similar to his, but it's simpler and you don't even need cream!

3 eggs
2 tbsp butter


1. Crack three eggs into a cold pan. Yes, a cold pan. No sizzle yet. Trust us.

2. Add 2 tbsp of butter to the pan.

3. Turn the heat on, up to medium-low. Using a wooden spoon, break the yolks and start mixing the eggs around constantly as the butter slowly starts to melt.

4. Wait. These scrambled eggs take patience. Don't turn up the heat.

5. Season by adding a pinch of salt and pepper to the pan.

6. Keep mixing your eggs around until they look close to uniform. Stop mixing for about 30 seconds, letting a layer of cooked egg form at the bottom. Using a spatula, scrape this layer up and mix it into the still runny eggs. Wait another 30 seconds, repeat.

7. When your eggs are starting to look solid, but still a bit wet, scrape the bottom, mix them around and remove from heat.

8. Garnish with chopped chives if you're feeling fancy, and put the eggs on toast. The eggs are so creamy and buttery that you don't even need to butter your bread!

Eggs, Recipe, Recipes, Breakfast
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