Samantha Geimer, now 47-years-old, who was assaulted by Roman Polanski. plans to write a book to answer those questions which remained unresolved.
Roman Polanski was convicted of having sexual intercourse with Samantha Geimer during a 1977 modeling shoot at Jack Nicholson's house. Polanski was indicted with six felony charges which included, child molestion, sodomy and rape using drugs. After striking a deal with prosecution, Polanski was sentenced to a 90-day psychiatric evaluation. The director was released 42 days later after the psychiatrist deemed him mentally sound.
Polanski also agreed to pay Geimer $500,000 to settle the lawsuit but it wasn't confirmed if the settling amount was ever paid. Geimer said she did forgive Polanski and dismissed the case.
Polanski apologized to Geimer in his documentary for the distress and that she was his and a victim of the press. Geimer, who was labeled "Sex Victim Girl" by the media for years, wants to have a normal life free from being a victim. Geimer is now married with three kids and is living in Hawaii.
"I offer my story now without rage, but with purpose to share a tale that in its detail will reclaim my identity," she said. "I have been dogged by tired thinking and easy tags nearly my entire life. I am not a stick figure. I know what it is like to be a woman and a victim in the realest possible way.".
Geimer's book will have many fascinating and shocking aspects of the story said her attorney, Lawrence Silver.
"Writing this book will finally lay to rest many ghosts from those years, and answer many questions that have remained unresolved," said Judith Curr, publisher of Atria Books.