
Ring Found In Ocean Several Days After It Fell Off Man's Finger

Jay Bradford, a New Jersey man who lost his wedding ring after it fell off his finger during a fishing trip, was lucky enough to be reunited with the lost ring several days later. Bradford went fishing for blackfish at Long Branch, N.J. on Dec. 12 when his wedding ring fell while pulling an anchor. "My hand hit the bow rail and the ring came up off my knuckle. The ring slid off, hit the tow rail and went into the water," said Bradford, according to USA Today.

Bradford and his wife, Meagan, just married in June 2015, making it harder for the couple to accept that the ring might be truly gone.

Not ready to give up, Bradfort went back to Long Branch on Dec. 16 and using GPS went to the exact location where the ring fell into the waters. Along with boat captain Nick Barsa and diver Mark Thompson, they planned a retrieval mission for the lost ring. "People thought I was crazy to try and go back for it. The odds are against finding it. It's a big ocean out there," said Barsa, according to People.

Within 10 minutes, Thompson found the ring resting on top of a rock, next to thousands of mussels.

"When they found it I was ecstatic, I was amazed," said Bradford's wife, according to FOX News. "I nicknamed Nick 'Capt. St. Nicholas,' for this time of year, because these two did perform a Christmas miracle for us to have that ring back."

Wedding ring, New Jersey
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