Men wearing top knots or man buns remains one of 2015's trendiest hairstyles and its popularity even sparked a few controversies, such as its banning in an Idaho college and the release of the clip-on man bun that had Twitter users bewildered.
A quick check shows that the is hipster hairstyle still going to be hot in 2016, according to Observ, and it's not just guys sporting it now as dogs are also going for the look.
On the social sharing site Instagram, #dogbun is slowly gaining popularity as adorable photos of furry pets in crazy top knots flood the feed. The dogs are actually giving the guys some good competition on how to pull off a pretty cool style. Check out the cutest pics of dogs wearing man buns (dog buns!) below:
Upgraded to a level 2 man bun... #dogbuns
A photo posted by Mary Tarantino (@mtarantino1) on Dec 21, 2015 at 8:38pm PST
Ladies and gentlemen, you have seen buns and man buns, now it's time for our dogs to have buns#dogbuns#dreadlocksonadog#happythanksgiving# A photo posted by Casey Lane (@casey.lane7) on Nov 26, 2015 at 12:30pm PST
Luna trying a new hairstyle #dogbuns
A photo posted by @luna_doing_things_ on Nov 20, 2015 at 8:20pm PST
So cute #dogbuns A photo posted by Newportskinnytea (@newportskinnytea) on Oct 26, 2015 at 5:29pm PDT
A photo posted by Ike Shary (@we_like_ike_) on Nov 11, 2015 at 4:52pm PST
Taught Oliver how rock a man bun for his 9th bday present. #dogbun A photo posted by Alec Trunley (@alectrunley) on Jul 29, 2015 at 5:16pm PDT
#likefatherlikeson #manbun #dogbun #partybun #thecaptaingoestoSF
A photo posted by The Captain (@captain_wicket) on Dec 19, 2015 at 11:29am PST
Our bun game is strong. #manbun #dogbun #labradoodle A photo posted by Stephan Erasmus (@missiongoggles) on Dec 13, 2015 at 9:18pm PST
Fair warning to dog owners though, as some pet parents might try to fix the dog bun by using rubber bands, which are not comfortable for fashion-forward Fido. The rubber bands could also cause blood clots and cuts. An Australian vet suggests tying the dog's hair with ribbons instead, according to this video from 7 News Adelaide.
Warnings over painful new 'dog bun' trendWarnings over painful new 'dog bun' trend.Dogs are stealing the limelight from their long locked owners, sporting matching top knots online, but local vets warn the latest trend could cause serious and costly injuries. Sophie Taeuber reports. #7NewsAdl
Posted by 7 News Adelaide on Tuesday, September 1, 2015