Lightsaber: Homemade Weapon That Can Destroy Objects Developed (WATCH)

Just in time for the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" release, engineer and YouTube publisher Allen Pan might just have developed the world's first homemade, self-contained lightsaber, potentially beating scientists and researchers developing similar technology.

Pan demonstrated how he was able to make a Jedi-worthy weapon made from a replica Skywalker lightsaber shell, part of a turkey marinade injector and other 3D-printed parts in a video posted to his YouTube channel, Sufficiently Advanced. He detailed the production process, which - with the right equipment - many would be able to replicate at home. The output was a mean looking saber powered by gas and butane as a propellant.

It is, however, hard to tell whether Pan's lightsaber can be scientifically considered a laser, as it runs on gas. Technically, lasers are produced by directing energy using crystals or lenses. But Pan's version looks extremely dangerous and was shown lighting a cigarette and burning through objects. Certainly, it is not capable of slicing through steel yet, but it is functionally similar to the Jedi weapon in comparison to what has been developed so far, such as the SaberMach device, as previously reported by HNGN.

Pan's lightsaber can be considered more of a flamethrower, one that has a focused beam, according to CNET. Nevertheless, one must admit that once the device emits the blue "blade," it made its creator look more like a Jedi master.

3D Printing, Star Wars: Episode VII
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