Donald Trump: Honest Tea Quote To Be Removed (TWEETS)

Donald Trump has had no shortage of quotables, but one drink manufacturer that put a Trump quote on the caps of its bottles says it will be soon removed. Organic beverage maker Honest Tea says the quote from the real estate mogul is coming off the caps, but not because it has any problems with the Republican presidential front-runner.

On Sunday, an Honest Tea customer tweeted a picture of the cap with the Trump quote that reads, "If you're going to think anyway, you might as well think big." Shapiro noted, according to the Associated Press. "I usually don't think of organic green tea consumers as target demographic for Donald Trump."

Donald Trump has risen to the top of the polls for the 2016 election cycle, in part because of his willingness to speak his mind while railing against so-called political correctness. It's a tactic that has had a polarizing effect by attracting many and offending others.

Honest Tea responded on Twitter a short time later, saying the Trump quotes would soon be gone.

According to Seth Goldman, co-founder of Honest Tea, the company was already in the process of phasing out the Trump quote, NBC News reported. When Coca-Cola acquired Honest Tea in 2011, Goldman said the beverage giant advised him that there was less risk of offending customers with quotes from people who were already dead.

Later, Goldman elaborated. "Honest Tea is a tea for all parties - we welcome anyone who wants to drink our organic iced teas because we know that when people choose organic and Fair Trade tea they are making an impact, regardless of their party affiliation," Goldman said, according to CBS News.

Donald Trump, 2016 presidential election, Republican Party