CCSU Lockdown: Students Ordered To Stay Inside As Police Search Campus For Possible Gunman

A lockdown was issued at Central Connecticut State University on Monday due to a campus emergency, though the specific concern is currently unknown, CBS News reported.

University officials posted a message on the school website asking everyone to stay indoors.

"Get inside buildings & stay in place! Stay away from windows. Police are on the scene," the message read.

According to The Hartford Courant, a CCSU spokeswoman said there was not a shooting. Additionally, a New Britain official said there was a report of a man with a gun and knife on campus.

The school-run newspaper, The Recorder, tweeted that the potential unarmed gunman may have been in James Hall.

The university's Twitter account also posted several Tweets notifying students and faculty of the situation.

"Campus emergency. Seek shelter. Lock doors, close windows. We will communicate when we have more info.This is not a drill. #ccsu," the first post read.

Mark McLaughlin, a CCSU spokesman, told CBS there was a campus emergency but would not divulge further details. Local officers were also not immediately available for comment.

Located in New Britain, CCSU had an undergraduate enrollment of 12,133 last year.