20-Pound Carp Running For Ann Arbor City Council

A self-proclaimed "grass roots" 20-pound carp is running for city council in Ann Arbor, MichiganLive.com reported.

The council candidate made itself known through a social media campaign, releasing tweets from the account @TwentyPoundCarp and promising to "bring back the tanneries" and create "high-rise developer reeducation camps."

Last year, the Natural Areas Preservation took the carp out of the West Park pond because it was destroying the ecosystem. Now, the carp is trying to make a comeback.

"I figure since I have no actual feet, I don't have to stand for anything--so I can impede everything!" another tweet read.

This is not the first time an animal has "run" for office. In 2008, a border collie dog was elected as mayor of Rabbit Hash, Kentucky.

"An estimated 215% of local registered and unregistered voters swarmed the polls here in Rabbit Hash, Kentucky for the 2008 Mayoral election," the town's website claimed.

Democratic candidate Jack Eaton is the only candidate on the ballot and welcoming of his competition.

"I'm amused," he said. "I have a sense of humor and I think it's funny. I consider a 20-pound carp to be a substantial opponent and I wish him the best."

However, Eaton could face competition from a 4th Ward resident named William Lockwood, a write-in candidate who won't be campaigning.

"I am just one person standing silently for progressive Democratic values with no expectation that I will receive more than my single vote," Lockwood said.

Eaton criticized Lockwood's write-in candidacy, suggesting anyone running for office should be clear about what he or she plans on doing as an elected official.

"Having a candidate who seeks votes but has not taken a position or made themselves available for debate or meaningful discourse seems to be an attempt to take advantage of low voter turnout," he said. "I certainly encourage voters to turn out and vote so that the election is really an expression of the voters."