Humpback Whale Spotted In Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay

A humpback whale has been spotted in Narragansett Bay, R.I., breaching by the Mount Hope Bridge, according to The Village Sun Times. The whale is guessed to be about 50-feet long and was seen by residents on Monday before being spotted heading back to the ocean.

North Kingstown harbormaster Ed Hughes spotted the humpback whale on Dec. 29, splashing and breaching in the water, the Examiner reported. "It was just having a great time. It was an amazing thing," Hughes said.

"We've seen dolphin. Last year we saw a beluga whale, which was unique. But a 50-foot whale?" he added, describing the unusual sighting.

It is definitely not common to see a humpback whale in the bay, said Rose Jones, spokeswoman for the Department of Environmental Management. Hughes had called the department about the sighting and officers were dispatched for a welfare check on the whale, which appeared in good condition, Jones said, according to the Associated Press.

Humpback whale, Whale, Rhode Island, Dolphin