‘The Walking Dead’ Season 4 Spoilers: Is Carol Covering for Lizzie, Fans Wonder if Newcomer Killed Karen and David?

Did Carol really kill Karen and David? In episode three of "The Walking Dead," titled "Isolation," viewers learned that Carol admitted to killing Karen and David. When Rick confronted Carol about the two deaths she immediately admitted that she had did it and explained that she was only trying to contain the sickness.

Because she didn't go to the group first and instead did what she thought was best, Rick was left with the difficult decision of either telling everyone what she did or ignoring it. In episode 4, viewers still don't know what he will end up telling the camp but in a completely shocking twist, Rick did exile Carol from the group.

The episode ended with Carol driving away all by herself. Ever since her nonchalant confession, fans of the show are a little puzzled about the confession. Some people understand Carol's decision, other's felt she was out of line while others are not sold on her being the killer. Could Carole be covering for someone else?

According to TV Line, fans are speculating that newcomer Lizzie could be the culprit. The little girl was extremely upset that someone had killed "Nick," the walker she named and could have killed Karen and David as a way to get back at the group.

There were also rumors that she wanted to step up to plate and prove that she wasn't "weak" and killed Karen and David but that also seems like a stretch. How could the little girl drag the bodies by herself? If Carol is covering for her, how did she find out about the killing? And why would she help cover it up?

Even though it's not sitting well with a lot of people it seems like Carol could very well have been the killer.

Do you think Carol is covering for Lizzie?