Michelle Knight Dr. Phil Interview: Ariel Castro Victim Speaks Out, I Was 'Tied Up Like A Fish' (VIDEO)

Just six months after she was freed from captivity in Ariel Castro's Cleveland home, Michelle Knight opened up in an interview with Dr. Phil McGraw about her gruesome 11-year experience, CNN reported.

In the interview that will air Tuesday and Wednesday, Knight recalls a time where she was "tied up like a fish" with an extension cord in her room, like "an ornament on the wall."

She described how Castro hung up by her feet, neck, and arms and taped her mouth shut with duct tape.

Knight also remembered a time where she tried to escape by picking a lock, prompting Castro to respond with "Now you're gonna be punished."

Knight and two other women -- Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus -- escaped from Castro's home with the help of a neighbor in May and garnered national attention to their frightening experience.

"It's astounding to me that she had the strength that she did," McGraw said on "Anderson Cooper 360." "She says that she was referred to as the unbreakable one. She fought him every step of the way."

McGraw also discussed excerpts of their interview, detailing her experience being chained around the neck and waist with a motorcycle helmet on her head, left for days at a time and unable to lay down because the chain wasn't long enough.

"He was obsessed with prostitutes and also he thought I was a 13-year-old prostitute," Knight added. "When he found out my real age he got mad."

Knight, now 32-years-old, was 21 when she was kidnapped. Though she's revelead more than ever in her recent interview with Dr. Phil, this is not the first time she spoke out against her brutal experience with Castro.

"After 11 years, I am finally being heard, and it's liberating," she said in a statement at Castro's sentencing.

"You took 11 years of my life away, and I have got it back. I spent 11 years in hell, and now your hell is just beginning," she told Castro. "I will overcome all this that happened, but you will face hell for eternity."