Man on AC Transit Bus Set on Fire: Suspect Allegedly Put Flame to Victim's Kilt in Oakland, California

A Bay Area man was reportedly in stable condition with second and third-degree burns Tuesday, after a fellow passenger on the bus set fire to his clothing while he slept.

The 18-year-old man was riding an AC Transit 57 line bus in East Oakland, Calif. at about 5:20 p.m. on Monday evening, the Oakland Tribune reported. He was dozing off on his ride home when the suspect boarded the bus near Oakland High School. According to video footage from the vehicle, the suspect spied the victim sleeping in a seat located near the back of the bus. The victim, whose name has not been released, was reportedly wearing a piece of clothing similar to a kilt. The suspect used what appeared to be a cigarette lighter to set the bottom part of the attire on fire, according to authorities who spoke with the Tribune.

When the victim awoke to find his garment in flames, he attempted to put out the blaze himself, but was unsuccessful. Some of the dozen other passengers on board scrambled to help, and managed to extinguish the fire that left severe burns on his legs. Others exited the bus.

The victim was initially rushed to Highland Hospital in Oakland, but was subsequently moved to the burn center at San Francisco's St. Francis Memorial Hospital, the Tribune reported.

At first, the bus driver wasn't aware that anything had gone awry at the rear of the bus. But when he saw the flames licking around the victim's legs, he pulled over a short distance away to provide assistance.

Law enforcement officials are currently reviewing tapes from the bus to glean information about the suspect.