Hard landings Of Hot Air Balloons Fatal For Boarders, Study Reveals

Hot air balloons, the oldest aircraft, are not the safest mode of travel or fun. A recent study reveals that more than 91 people were seriously injured and 5 people died in hot air balloon crashes over the last 12 years.

The study, based on research carried over a decade, examined the number of injured and causalities reported in hot air balloon crashes during that period. Most of the accidents happened while the aircraft was landing. In fact, 65 percent of the accidents reported were caused due to hard landings of the air balloons. The wicker baskets of the balloons sometimes strike power lines, buildings and get entangled in trees leading to fatalities

The study examined more than 78 air balloon tours over the 12-year period. Around 518 passengers were affected by the crashes. According to the study, 80 percent of these crashes either resulted in serious injuries or death of the riders. The above study was published on the journal, Aviation, Space and Environmental Medicine.

The researchers have also put forth solutions that may help in reducing the accidents due to hard landing. "Potential strategies for reducing landing forces include cushioning the bottom of the basket or employing crash-worthy auxiliary crew seats during landings," said Susan P. Baker, director of Injury Center at Johns Hopkins and the lead researcher of the study,reports Huffington Post "Similarly, the use of restraint systems and the use of mandatory flight helmets could influence crash outcomes."

And yes keeping off intoxicants is mandatory. An air balloon crash in New Zealand a year ago killed 11 people. The investigation report revealed the pilot smoked marijuana before the aircraft took off, reveals a recent post in Mirror.

Landing, Hot, Air, Balloons, Fatal, Injuries, Aircraft, Accidents, Drivers