Facebook ‘Like’ and ‘Share’ Buttons Get A Makeover; Drops The Thumbs Up Icon

Facebook is ready for a makeover of its smallest, yet the most important features -the "Like" and "Share"buttons. The company is ditching the popular thumbs up icon for Like, for a new design with its logo on it.

Prepare yourselves for a new change on Facebook. If you are among the 1.2 billion Facebook users, then we may rest from describing the "Like" and "Share" functions and their appearance. However, for those who are unaware, you can still guess-as the names suggest-if you like anything on the social network you hit "like" and if you are pleased enough to share something then you hit "share." Since the two buttons were introduced in 2010, they have become very popular. So much that these buttons on any other news websites (like one on ours too), and businesses, represent the Mark Zuckerberg-owned company.

Facebook announced Wednesday that it is adapting a new look for its two most popular buttons. The Like button will no longer show a thumbs up icon, instead it will feature the company's logo. The company has also darkened the shade of its blue and has changed the font as well.

"We're already seeing a favorable increase in Likes and Shares with the new design and will be rolling these buttons out to everyone in the coming weeks, Ray He, a software engineer at Facebook, wrote in the company's blog. "If you are currently using the old Like button, you'll be automatically upgraded to the new design as part of our roll out."

The popularity of the Like and Share buttons can be analyzed by a recent report from Shareaholic, as highlighted by Facebook. The research suggests Facebook accounts for the maximum social media traffic. Facebook credits Like and Share options to be the key drivers of its traffic, for it's viewed more than 22 billion times daily across more than 7.5 million websites, the company said.

People wanting to see the news design will not have a long wait, He says the change will be "out to everyone in the coming weeks." No additional coding will be necessary. Our site too seems to be in the queue to receive the new design in the coming weeks but we hope to see it before the end of this month.

Facebook, Share, Makeover, Drops, Up, Icon