Marathon Bomb Victim Gets Prosthetic Legs for High Heels

Heather Abbott, 38, Newport and also a Marathon bomb victim, got herself a new prosthetic leg that will allow her to wear 4-inch high heels and even get to display her pedicure.

Before she lost her leg, Abbott normally wore heels as high as 4 inches. She even called herself a "professional heel-wearer." But this changed when she became one of the Boston bombing victims.

She was on her way with some friends to the Forum restaurant in Boston when a bomb exploded a few meters from them. Abbott’s left leg was injured and had to be severed below her knee.

She recounts that she was very anxious about what her leg would look like but she said that she met a woman who also lost her leg but could wear high heeled shoes."That's what made me know it was going to be OK," Abbott said an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle.

She has several prosthetic legs. Her first was in June and she also got legs for running and for swimming so she could paddle board, one of her hobbies.

Her new high-heeled prosthetic leg was available last week which was provided for by the Next Step Bionics and Prosthetics. According to President Matthew Albuquerque, their New Hampshire based company is taking care of seven similar victims of the Boston marathon bombing.

The prosthetic is a silicone leg that is formed based on Abbott’s other leg and foot and was designed with her exact skin color. "I can't believe how much it looks like a real foot," Abbott said.

Abbott was conscious to go out wearing skirts because the other prosthetics looked far from real legs. However, when she got her new, $15,000 worth of high heeled prosthetic leg, she strutted in a below-the-knee skirt and a peep toed 4-inch Ninewest heels on Thursday.

Normally, walking in high heels while using prosthetic legs is not possible within a few months. However, Albuquerque said that Abbott is exceptionally determined and even requested for a 4-inch heeled prosthetic when they normally make 2-3 inch heels.

According to Abbott, she is still adjusting after a week with the new silicone leg. She said, "I'll get there. Eventually."