Google Voice Search Makes Way To iOS Search App; Includes Notification, Reminders and More

Google has rolled out an update for its iOS search app to include a popular virtual personal assistant to run voice search with 'OK Google' command, add reminders and get notifications.

Google is taking yet another leap in competing against its biggest rival Apple. The latest update to its iOS search app challenges Apple's Siri voice assist in terms of speed and detailed information. Google search app for iOS users will allow voice search with "OK Google" command and include detailed information with more options for reminders, notifications and searches.

Google announced the advanced update for its iOS search app Tuesday, to help save more time with easy functions. The updated app includes smart notification feature that alerts users of important things like appointments, flights and reservations. The push-notifications will notify about traffic jam on your route.

In addition, users can also set reminders with voice assist so that the search app reminds you of tasks when you reach a particular destination such as picking a certain item when you reach the supermarket or picking up the laundry. This will certainly simplify life for the always-on-the-go people.

"This is Google's most advanced voice search ever, which is now available to the majority of smartphone users in the UK with the release day of the latest Google search app on iOS," Google technology expert Michael Valvo told Telegraph. "It has the ability to understand the context of a conversation and spoken directions that even take into account traffic conditions."

The updated app will also display Google Now cards that will help users keep a track of important tickets for concerts or boarding passes. Google Voice will instantly answers to users' questions followed by "OK Google" command, the web giant explained in a blog post.

The Google Search app is available for download on iTunes for free but the latest voice search works only in English for now.

Google, Voice, Search, Makes, Way, Ios, App, Includes