Women Prefer Their Pets Over Their Partners: One in 10 Ladies Confess to Being More in Love with Their Furry Friend

Sorry boyfriends, a new study found that one in ten women are more in love with their pet than their partner. According to The Telegraph, a new study by Brooke animal charity said 10 percent of women confessed to loving their furry friend more their lover.

The study also found that four out of ten women will often go to their pet for affection if they are feeling ignored by their significant other. Over half of the 2,000 women surveyed admitted they also seek out their pet after getting into an argument.

So, what's the dog's secret? A spokeswoman for Brooke animal charity told the newspaper that she believes it's because "pets can't answer back with sarcastic comments or moans."

"It's easy to have a blissful relationship with a pet, which can't always be said of human relationships," the spokeswoman said. "Even the most perfect relationships have off days so you can understand how women might love their pets just that little bit more after a disagreement with their partner."

The study also found some other interesting tidbits about women and their pets. 81 percent of the women surveyed believe their pet is a member of the family with 38 percent thinking in the event of a split there would be a bitter custody battle over the animal.

Shockingly a third of women admitted that they actually feel the same way about their animal as they do their partner. According to the Daily Mail, 40 percent would end a relationship if the person didn't get along with their pet.

Want even more fun facts? A third of the women surveyed said they share the bed with their furry best friend while 16 percent said it's no problem if the animal crawls under the covers. 14 percent of women have considered getting their pet's name tattooed on them and 17 percent shower the animal with treats for good behavior and Christmas presents.

"Perhaps a frustration for women is also that they expect less of their pets but are still rewarded with endless affection and loyalty," the spokeswoman said.

Who do you prefer, your pet or your partner? Tell us in the comments!