
'My thoughts on Google+,’ A Woman's Tirade on You Tube About New Commenting System

The new commenting system introduced by Google for its video streaming site has enraged YouTube users to such an extent that one Emma Blackery came up with a song, "My Thoughts on Google+" last week, which has gone viral. The song chronicles her frustrations about the latest Google+ synchronized commenting system for YouTube.

Blackery, from the U.K. has criticized Google for linking YouTube users to its social media site , Google+. She wants Google to go back to the old commenting system as fast as possible. The video has received more than 103,485 likes and 30, 502 comments until now. The song has become hugely popular and was one of the most watched videos in the weekend after it was uploaded by Blackery, herself on YouTube.

The song rebukes Google for compelling its users to have a Google+ account to access the updated features on YouTube. Blackery even suggests that Google take help from other popular social media sites like Yahoo and Vimeo, the U.S. based video sharing site, to resolve all the fuss.

Blackery suggests that it is very insensitive of Google not to understand that the new commenting is upsetting people and the company needs to revert to the former commenting system before the site gets completely sc****d.

Blackery says that she is sure her song will not compel Google to get back to the old commenting system yet people should like and share the video as a sign of protest.

In September, Google unveiled its plans to come up with an update for its video streaming site. The update was unveiled on Tuesday and failed to gain wide acceptance among YouTube viewers. Many are of the opinion that this way Google is trying to promote its not so popular social media site.

YouTubers believe that the recent update hinders their free style of commenting. On the plus side the updated commenting system gives the content creator more control over the comments.

The new commenting system does not allow any anonymity for the commenters as it is synced to their Google+ accounts. Although there still is an option where YouTube followers can post anonymously but to utilize that option always become cumbersome, reports Latinos Post.

You can check or download the song from here. Link

On, Tube, System, Video, Google
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