Obama: ‘Smart’ Diplomacy Responsible For Release Of Americans

The weekend saw an exchange of prisoners and a nuclear deal with Iran, with President Barack Obama saying that both events would not have been possible without "smart, patient" diplomatic efforts by the United States.

"This is a good day because now we see what's possible with good American diplomacy. Now our governments are talking to each other. Under the nuclear deal...Iran will not get its hands on a nuclear bomb. The region, the United States and the world will be more secure," Obama said from the White House reports FOX News. Obama was speaking a day after Iran met its obligations under the nuclear deal and released four American prisoners in exchange of seven Iranians being held in the U.S.

Jason Rezaian, a Washington Post reporter; Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine; Saeed Abedini, a Christian pastor; and Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari were the four Americans released. "When Americans are freed, that's something we can all celebrate," Obama said, according to the Bonham Journal.

With Iran agreeing to the terms of the nuclear deal, America waived off the economic sanctions that have been in force. At the same time, the Obama administration took to task 11 individuals and entities involved in the Iranian ballistic missile program and announced new penalties on them.

"We will continue to enforce these sanctions vigorously. We are going to remain vigilant about it. America can do - and has done - big things when we work together. We can lead this world and make it safer and more secure," Obama said, according to the Associated Press.

But not everyone saw the deal and the prisoner exchange as a positive step. "This is a loss for America. It's a win for the president's own delusions, if he thinks this is a win for smart diplomacy," said GOP presidential candidate and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie while campaigning in Iowa, reports Fox News.

President Barack Obama, United States, Iran, Jason Rezaian, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Iowa