‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 SPOILERS: Peggy’s Pre-SSR Life Revealed

Peggy Carter first arrived on the scene of the Marvel Cinematic Universe already an agent of the Strategic Scientific Reserve. Since then, she has revealed little if anything about her life before the war and coming to America, but that will change in the second season of "Marvel's Agent Carter."

An upcoming episode will reveal some of Peggy's life in England before joined the war effort and met her lost love Steve Rogers aka Captain America. Atwell hopes exploring Peggy's early days in England leads to more storylines in her actual homeland.

"There are moments that we see of what her life potentially could have been before back in England, and it also sets up a very rich background for her," the actress told reporters (via Comic Book Resources). "So knowing that her roots are there, knowing that there are certain things that happened in her past in England that defined who she was as a woman, as a person, I think there's plenty of opportunity to explore that a little bit more."

The SSR agent's backstory will also parallel the backstory of the ABC drama's big bad for the season, Whitney Frost aka Madam Masque (Wynn Everett).

"There's a really nice episode that you see her backstory along with Whitney's, and it really nicely touches on what it's like to be a woman at that time period," executive producer Tara Butters told Entertainment Weekly.

That time is 1947 in Hollywood, Calif. Peggy will still face some sexism in the workplace moving to the West Coast offices from New York, but the showrunners feel they've already "told that story for Peggy," executive producer Michele Fazekas explained to EW.

"Marvel's Agent Carter" returns tonight, Jan. 19 at 9 p.m. on ABC.

Agent carter, Marvel's Agent Carter, Marvel, ABC, Hayley Atwell, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America