Earlier on Sunday, singer-songwriter Linda Perry went on a Twitter rant explaining that she did not think Lady Gaga deserved to be nominated for an Oscar for her song "Til It Happens To You," which she co-wrote with Diane Warren for the documentary "The Hunting Ground." Perry had reason to believe that she did not contribute enough to writing the song, but only performed it, which, according to Academy rules, does not mean she should be eligible for the award, as HNGN previously reported. In the tweets, Perry explained that she did respect Gaga and the song, but did not think her name deserved to be on the Oscar nomination.
When Warren got word of this, she defended herself, Gaga and the documentary, explaining via Twitter that the song was a "result of a special collaboration between myself and Lady Gaga."
Perry has since deleted her original tweets and apologized for alleging that Gaga's Oscar nomination was bogus.
"My sincere apologies. I made a mistake to comment. I wasn't in the room when the #TIHTY was being written," she tweeted on Sunday night, adding, "More importantly, I wish the focus to remain on the great importance of the song and the message of the film."
Gaga has yet to comment on any of this. To read Perry's original tweets, click here!
My sincere apologies. I made a mistake to comment. I wasn't in the room when the #TIHTY was being written.
— LINDA PERRY (@RealLindaPerry) January 18, 2016
More importantly, I wish the focus to remain on the great importance of the song and the message of the film. — LINDA PERRY (@RealLindaPerry) January 18, 2016