‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6 SPOILERS: Maisie Williams Talks Jon Snow's Return

Warning: The following contains spoilers for HBO's "Game of Thrones."

It was just a few months ago when Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) was towing the company line and telling fans that Kit Harington's Jon Snow really was dead. Uhh, nice try, Maisie. But with Jon Snow confirmed to be returning, Williams teased fans with yet another interesting head scratcher.

"There's a great twist, but I can't say that he's going to be alive," she told Vanity Fair.

How will Jon Snow return and what does she mean by saying he isn't going to be alive? Is he a White Walker? Is he Jon Targaryen? So many questions, so few answers.

Thanks to leaked set photos from Belfast, we know for a fact that everyone's favorite bastard will be returning as himself and not as a warged version of his direwolf Ghost. A popular fan theory is that the Red Woman, Melisandre, will resurrect him back at Castle Black. How and why remain to be seen, however.

Williams went on to express her excitement over the upcoming new season.

"I loved shooting this series, I think people are going to really enjoy it," she said. "Everything is now sort of wracking up and slotting into place for like, the finale, and I love that all the pieces are coming together."

"Game of Thrones" will return to HBO for its sixth season on April 24.

Hbo, Game of Thrones, Kit Harington, Maisie Williams, Arya Stark