Donald Trump: iPhones Will Be Made In America If Elected President

If elected president, Donald Trump will make sure that Apple products would be made in the United States of America. While addressing students at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va., Trump took a jab at Apple's current practices of assembling most of its devices offshore, according to NBC News.

"We're going to get Apple to build their damn computers and things in this country instead of in other countries," Trump said.

Currently, Apple's manufacturing process involves a series of partnerships with a number of companies in numerous countries. China, for one, assembles a significant portion of Apple's devices via Foxconn and other similar firms.

If Apple insists on manufacturing offshore, Trump states that he would impose a massive 35 percent tax for assembling goods outside the U.S., reports The International Business Times.

The presidential candidate, however, seems to be forgetting a number of very important factors. For one, there's actually a lot of America in Apple's devices.

The displays for the iPhone and iPad are made by Corning in a Kentucky factory, for example. Also, the power management chips in the company's flagship devices are created by Texas Instruments in Richardson, Texas; and these are but the tip of the iceberg, as several pieces of Apple's products are built in the U.S., according to CNN Money.

Apart from this, Apple CEO Tim Cook has already stated that despite the device's components being made in America, there are simply "skills that are associated with manufacturing that have left the U.S."

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Donald Trump, Iphones, Made In America, United States, Virginia, China, Foxconn, Texas, Apple CEO Tim Cook, Tim cook