‘The Walking Dead’ Recap: Troubles at the Prison Get Worse, Burning Questions From ‘Internment’

On Sunday night's episode of "The Walking Dead" viewers saw as the group struggled to deal with two issues - the herd of walkers trying to break down the fence and the illness back inside that is killing people and turning them into zombies. As the med crew is still away trying to fight their way back to the prison, Hershel is doing his best to handle the sick people and keep everything under control.

Of course things get sticky when three people die at once in the sick ward and the gates are not locked. The people then turn to zombies and start to attack. With Maggie's help, Hershel is able to get everything under control.

One interesting thing that happened through all of this was Lizzie. Fans have had their suspicion about Lizzie in the past (like is she really the killer) but in this episode it seems like Lizzie was trying to help by luring the zombie away from Glenn. Still something doesn't seem right.

Back outside Rick is having the worst time mending the badly damaged fence the herd of zombies keep leaning on. Eventually, despite putting up logs, the fence collapses and a large group of zombies start to enter the prison grounds. Rick has Carl help him kill the herd. At the end of the episode, viewers get a glimpse of the Governor as he creepily stares at the prison.

With the next episode a week away, here are some burning questions to consider:

Will Glenn and Maggie finally get married? It looks like Glenn will survive the illness and be ok. After he gets himself together maybe he and Maggie will finally tie-the-knot.

Is Lizzie a hero or someone who needs to be watched closely? It seems like Lizzie was trying to do the right thing by luring the walker away from Glenn but there's a feeling that she isn't just a sweet-looking little girl.

Will Rick finally step up and take control? We all know Rick wanted to step out of the leadership role but lately it seems like he has been thrown right back into it despite his hesitation. We are left to wonder if Rick will start to take charge again.

Will the group leave the prison? This is the million dollar qiestion. The prison seemed like a great place to camp out in the beginning but now with the herd of zombies breaking the fence and the illness maybe it's time they moved on.

Who is feeding the zombies? Early on in the new season it was revealed that someone was feeding the walkers rats which is presumed to be the reason for the growing herd. Since the revelation the show has yet to reveal the culprit.

He's back! Is the Governor going to declare war? It looks like the Governor is doing well for himself. He doesn't appear to be starving but he has finally made his way back to the prison. The group will probably be more prepared to handle him this time... if he doesn't have a ginormous group with him.

What did you think of the episode?