Brazil Wife Beats Husband's Mistress Then Throws Her Off Bridge (VIDEO)

The phrase "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" took on a literal meaning last week when a wife in Brazil, angry after catching her husband cheating on her, managed to get her hands on his mistress, beating her up in front of her house before dragging her through the streets by her hair and tossing her off a bridge.

The incident, which was caught on camera - but only starts from the middle of the savage assault - began when the woman caught her husband cheating on her with a blonde, according to Metro.

The mistress can be seen trying to cling on to a gate while the spurned wife angrily grips her hair and strikes her over the head.

Unable to fight back, the mistress screams in agony as her lover's wife drags her along the ground, down the street and across the road to a bridge, reported 7 News. The pair is then joined by another woman, later revealed to be a friend of the wife's, who helps throw the mistress off a 10-foot-high bridge.

The women then wipe their hands of the deed and walk off as the mistress struggles to stand up and compose herself after being tossed into the water, reported the Mirror.

It's unclear whether the woman was injured during the attack.

Watch a video of the beating below.

Brazil, Wife, Bridge, Assault, Odd news, Weird, Beat, Beating