Obamacare: Users Who Were Unable To Sign Up For Healthcare Will Receive Emails Asking Them To Try Again

The approximately 275,000 people who were unsuccessful in signing up for Obamacare using HealthCare.gov will be receiving emails this week inviting them to try again, Bloomberg news reported.

With the flaws that kept millions of Americans from successfully signing up and switching to Obamacare being resolved, the government said they will send out a "series of emails in waves" so as to not overwhelm the system, according to Bloomberg.

Julia Bataille, a spokeswoman for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services told reporters on Tuesday the additional people who weren't able to complete applications on insurance exchange will be contacted at a later date, Bloomberg reported.

"We want to make sure we are inviting individuals to come back into the system and that their experience will be a positive one," Bataille said, according to Bloomberg.

As reports come in showing the target of insured Americans has not been reached due to initial flaws of error messages and slow loading times, Obama officials work to meet the new November deadline for a fully functioning health care site.

The amount of people signing up is vital to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and its promise of making health care financially accessible to at least 25 million uninsured people, according to Bloomberg.

After mounting criticism of the website's implementation, former president Bill Clinton called on President Barack Obama to change the law and honor the pledge he made of allowing Americans to keep their current healthcare provider, the Associated Press reported.

In a statement, Clinton said Obama should "honor the commitment that the federal government made to those people and let them keep what they got," the AP reported.

Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius has apologized in the past to various congressional tribunals for the flawed implementation of the website, and stated the amount of enrollees will increase over time.