Donald Trump: Turban-Wearing Protester Kicked Out Of Trump Rally In Iowa (VIDEO)

Two protesters, including one bearded man wearing a turban, interrupted and were escorted out of a Donald Trump rally in Iowa on Sunday after the Republican presidential front-runner began raving about "radical Islamic terror."

Trump was talking about the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2011, and the San Bernardino, California, shootings. "We have radical Islamic terror going on all over the place, all over the world, and we have a president that won't say it," Trump said, reported CBS News.

"When planes fly into the World Trade Center, and into the Pentagon, and wherever the third plane was going. When people are shooting their friends in California, when they're shooting their friends - " Trump continued, before stopping abruptly and looking up to the balcony seats where a demonstration had begun.

The protesters, reportedly belonging to a larger group that interrupted Trump's rally in Muscatine, Iowa, had left their seats, approached the railing of the balcony and unfolded a large white banner that read "STOP HATE."

The crowd began chanting "Trump! Trump! Trump!" and security quickly approached the men to escort them out. Trump waved his hand, shook his head, and said, "Bye. Bye. Goodbye."

After the men were gone, the crowd erupted into applause and began chanting "USA! USA! USA!"

The commotion quieted down and Trump asked, "He wasn't wearing one of those hats, was he? Was he wearing one of those?"

After appearing to have been told that the protester was not wearing one of those hats, Trump continued: "And he never will. And he never will. And that's OK, but you know we've got to do something folks cause it's not working." He then began talking about how some of his Muslim friends tell him he is doing a great service to followers of Islam.

The media initially assumed that Trump's hat comment was in reference to the man's red turban, however, it appears as if Trump mistook the turban for one of his campaign's signature "Make America Great Again" hats worn by many attendees, according to The Blaze.

Donald Trump, 2016 presidential election, Iowa