Brain-Dead Hungarian Woman Gives Birth To Healthy Premature Baby

A 31-year-old brain-dead Hungarian woman gave birth to a healthy premature baby. The mother was taken off life support after the delivery.

Miracle births are very rare and in this case, and it's only the third such case across the globe. A 31-year-old brain-dead Hungarian woman gave birth to a healthy premature baby, reports the Associated Press.

According to the news report, the woman suffered a stroke when she was 15 weeks pregnant and has been on life support as doctors declared her brain dead. The baby was delivered by cesarean section this summer at 27 weeks, weighing three pounds and 1.8 ounces.

"In the first two days we struggled to save the mother's life and it was proven... that circulation and functions stopped," said Dr. Bela Fulesdi, president of the University of Debrecen Medical and Health Science Centre, according to a Daily Mail report. "On the second day when [other] examinations were carried out, we found the baby was alive and kicking well in its mother's body."

The University of Debrecen in eastern Hungary told reporters "the child is healthy and developing normally." However, the hospital did not disclose the child's gender or birth date. The child's family declined to go public about the whole incident and laws of Hungary protect their privacy.

The mother's organs including her heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas were donated to four recipients two days after her baby's birth.Generally, people are kept on life support for one or two days after being declared brain-dead before organs are donated.

"Our case is special because we were helping the baby [live] and additionally we could preserve... five organs of the mother to be transplanted," Dr Fulesdi added.

Though this is a rare case, other miracle births across the globe have left doctors quite astounded.

Last year, three weeks before her due date, a pregnant 22-year-old Michigan woman was abducted, bound with duct tape, forced into a car, and driven to an empty parking lot. Her attacker doused her with lighter fluid, set her on fire, and shot her in the back. The young woman played dead until the assailant drove off, then freed herself and got help. She went into early labor and her baby boy was delivered via C-section. "She has to be one of the most courageous women I have ever encountered," said Louis Galasso, deputy police commissioner in the Detroit suburb, in a CNN report.