Tony Perkins: Ted Cruz Wins Endorsement From Family Research Council President

Tony Perkins, president of influential Christian conservative lobbying group Family Research Council, threw his weight behind GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz Tuesday night, saying the "constitutional conservative" is "best prepared to lead this nation forward, pulling it out of the tailspin this president has put us in."

"I have many friends in this race, but I believe the one who is best positioned, best prepared to lead this nation forward, pulling it out of the tailspin this president has put us in, I believe it is Ted Cruz," Perkins told Fox News' Megyn Kelly, reported TIME. "He is smart, he is bold, much like you, he is not afraid to upset people to do the right thing."

Perkins, 52, added: "I trust Ted to fight to pull America out of the political and cultural tailspin that President Obama's policies have put us in. This is no normal election; this election is about the very survival of our Constitution and our republic."

Cruz said he was "honored" to gain an endorsement from Perkins, a man who has "incredible principle and faith," according to The Washington Times. Perkins has been president of the Family Research Council, a socially conservative, pro-family issues group, since 2003.

The endorsement comes as Cruz battles Donald Trump for the support of Christian conservatives ahead of the all-important Iowa caucuses on Monday.

Cruz has also received endorsements from past Research Council President Gary Bauer, social conservative leader James Dobson, conservative media personality Glenn Beck and former Texas Gov. Rick Perry. Trump, on the other hand, recently won the support of 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, as well as Liberty University President Jerry Falwell, Jr.

Earlier this month, a Fox News poll from Iowa showed Cruz beating Trump by four points, but Trump has regained his footing in the latest poll to come out of the Hawkeye State, leading the pack with 39 percent support, a full 20 points higher than second-place Cruz.

Ted Cruz, 2016 presidential election, Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump, Rick Perry, Iowa