'Lord Jeff' Dropped As Amherst College Mascot (TWEETS)

The Board of Trustee's at Amherst College decided that it is about time to declare that Lord Jeff is not the school's campus symbol. Lord Jeff was Lord Jeffery Amherst, a colonial military commander who pushed the idea of sending off blankets infected with smallpox to Native Americans which made him infamous. Lord Jeff is the unofficial character who used to represent the Massachusetts college.

The Board of Trustees released a statement noting their position on the issue: "Those who dislike the symbolism of Lord Jeff have various reasons for their view, but a central one has always been his suggestion, in wartime correspondence, that smallpox be used against Native Americans," their statement said, according to Amherst College.

"Lord Jeff as a mascot may be unofficial, but the College, when its own resources are involved, can decide not to employ this reference in its official communications, its messaging, and its symbolism (including in the name of the Inn, the only place on the campus where the Lord Jeffery name officially appears,)" the statement added.

The board included the statement after discussing the evolution of education in their institution.

The college also noted that the institution was named after the town and not after the military commander. The school was founded in 1821 and it was only in this century were Lord Jeff became a more popular symbol due to the school sporting team, according to the New York Times.

A poll done in November urged the board to conduct a formal announcement since 89 percent of the student body voted in response to "Do you think Lord Jeffery Amherst should be removed as our unofficial mascot?" 83 percent said that it should be removed and 17 percent said no, according to Mass Live.

A moose sighting at the Homecoming game!

Posted by The Moose: A New Mascot for Amherst College on Saturday, October 24, 2015

The college has not officially announced any changes yet, but "The Moose" is being endorsed in becoming the official school mascot.

Native Americans