Stacey Dash Demands Apology From Her Critics, Says Morgan Freeman Agrees With Her Views On Black History Month

Stacey Dash wants an apology from everyone who mocked and criticized her comments on BET and Black History Month amid the Oscar's diversity controversy. Last week the actress, who is well known for her role in the 90's movie "Clueless," received major backlash after she appeared on "FOX and Friends" and called for the elimination of Black Entertainment Television (BET) and Black History Month as a way to end segregation and racial division in Hollywood.

In a blog post entitled, "Twitter Haters, When Do I Get My Apology for Agreeing with Morgan Freeman about #BlackHistoryMonth?," the actress claimed that she and fellow black actor Megan Freeman shared similar views about segregation - but he didn't receive the same backlash she did.

"When I spoke out on FOX News and on my blog about the need to get rid of BET and Black History Month, all the same usual Twitter haters came out of the woodwork to troll me and say all sorts of disgusting things about me," she began her blog post. "The same trolls who attacked me when I endorsed Mitt Romney came out and called me all sorts of things, many of which I can't even say here. Well, if you're going to call me ignorant, stupid, and an Uncle Tom, you need to be intellectually honest and also call out Morgan Freeman."

The actress continued her statement by posting a clip from Freeman's "60 Minutes" interview in 2006, where he expressed that excluding Black History Month to a single month (February) was a "ridiculous" concept.

"You're going to relegate my history to a month?" Freeman said at the time. "I don't want a Black History Month. Black history is American history."

"Damn straight, Morgan Freeman! Preach it!" Dash wrote in reaction to the video. "It's time we decide as a society whether we want to care about race or not. Like Morgan Freeman says, there is no White History Month and there should be no Black History Month. Black history is American history."

She continued, "We all have names that have nothing to do with our race. And the reason America is the best country in the world is because our national identity isn't based on race, religion, or class. It's based on principles like all men and women being created equal and everyone having the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."

Dash's post comes shortly after she spoke out about the Oscar diversity issue and bashed BET for being a network that lies to its black audience. Before concluding her message, Dash had one finally statement.

"You want racial healing and reconciliation? You want true equality? Listen to Morgan Freeman - Stop. Talking. About. Race," Dash wrote. The actress is apparently still waiting for an apology from the Twitter trolls who bashed her, writing, "Like I said... so when do the Twitter trolls apologize to me? I'll wait right here."

Do you think Stacey Dash is owed an apology?

Stacey Dash, Morgan Freeman, Black History Month
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