‘Arrow’ Season 4 SPOILERS: Oliver Going Dark?

Despite being the grittiest of all the CW's superhero offerings, "Arrow" still remains a CW show at heart. That is to say, it's a teen soap opera drama set in a superhero world. Yet even with this structure, it sounds as if "Arrow" will be taking on a more serious tone going forward. Scoop master Michael Ausiello of TVLine.com has the details.

"On the Arrow front, when Nyssa returns on Feb. 3, the League member is 'going to take on Malcolm in a really ambitious and full-scale way, and she's going to be asking Oliver to do some pretty dark things," executive producer Wendy Mericle told Ausiello. "Nyssa's onetime lover Sara's recent resurrection won't come up in the 'gangbusters' episode - partly because 'she is off time traveling on Legends [of Tomorrow]!"

What could Mericle mean when she says Oliver is going to do some "pretty dark things?" We've already seen him start his superhero journey by killing criminals before reforming his ways. How else could he go dark? Could it have to do with Felicity being in a wheelchair? So many questions, so few answers!

Unfortunately, Ausiello didn't have any additional information beyond that which means we'll have to tune in to find out. "Arrow" will return to The CW next month.

The CW, Arrow