Donald Trump Escalates Feud With Megyn Kelly After Posting GQ Magazine Photos (TWEET)

GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has seemingly made peace with FOX News, but the bad blood between him and host Megyn Kelly still flows deep. In fact, their feud reached a whole new level recently after Donald Trump announced that he wouldn't be participating in Thursday's debate, which is "coincidentally" being moderated by Kelly.

Now, hours before the debate, Trump has raised the ante on Twitter, posting seductive photos of her from a 2010 GQ Magazine photo shoot and referring to her as "the bimbo that's asking presidential questions."

The statement stems back to the root of their feud: the first primary debate, reported Newsmax. At the time, Kelly called him about derogatory statements he made about women in the past. The text attempts to point out the fact that she accused him of objectifying women, when she has already objectified herself.

As the clock winds down towards the debate, Trump still maintains that he will instead be spending his time in Iowa, raising money for veterans, an act that groups say is merely a stunt to hide from Kelly.

One group, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, pledged to refuse any funds that Trump may try to donate from his Iowa event. That sentiment was shared by progressive group as well.

"Let me put this in language Donald Trump understands," Jon Soltz, Iraq War veteran and chairman of said in a statement, according to CBS News. "You're a loser. You're a third-rate politician, who clearly doesn't understand issues, and is so scared of Megyn Kelly exposing it, that you're looking to use veterans to protect you from facing her questions."

Whether Trump goes through with skipping the debate remains to be seen, and if he does, it will be interesting to see how a Trump-less debate does in both TV ratings and social media coverage, especially since Trump usually dominates the rumblings on Twitter after such a debate - even if he wasn't part of it.

Donald Trump, Megyn Kelly, Fox News, GQ Magazine, Debate, 2016 presidential election