‘Star Wars’ RUMORS: 'Rogue One' Character Details Revealed?

WARNING: The following contains potential spoilers for "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story."

Now that the excitement over "Star Wars: the Force Awakens" has died down a bit, we can turn our attention to the next offering from Lucasfilm. "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story," the first non-saga Anthology film, will arrive later this year. After much speculation, some background details on the impressive cast's characters are beginning to emerge.

Making Star Wars has learned through its sources a handful of production codenames for many members of the cast, both heroes and villains. Cinema Blend has some extra juice with these rumors as well.

"Felicity Jones' character, who we've previously heard may be named Lyra Erso, is codenamed Green Seal Leader, Jiang Wen is referred to as Seal Communicator Blue, Forest Whitaker's possibly one-legged character is called Eel Commander, and Alan Tudyk, who plays a droid, is being called Seal Droid," Brent McKnight of Cinema Blend wrote. "As we understand it, these are all good, or at least good-ish guys, but on the villain side, the characters have codenames relating to sharks, which seems like the appropriate choice."

These codenames at least provide fans with an idea of the teams at play here. Seals seem to be the good guys, likely the Rebels tasked with stealing the plans for the first Death Star. But it seems as if there will be a hierarchy within this team and a few different points of fucs. Felecity Jones' character will be the center of attention.

The Eel faction may or may not be the bounty hunters that may or may not be involved in the story. Some have heard rumors that the Rebel enlists talented bounty hunters with Rebel sympathies - Jiang Wen's character possibly among them - to aid them in their mission. This has yet to be confirmed.

No, we still don't know any of the particulars, but we now have a general outline for the big picture of the movie. That's something.

"Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" will hit theaters on Dec. 16.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars: Episode VII, LucasFilm, Felicity Jones