Jason Babin Rips Out Andre Ellington's Dreadlocks During Tackle (VIDEO)

Jacksonville Jaguars Jason Babin got a handful of Cardinals running back Andre Ellington's hair after a tackle during Sunday's (Nov. 18) game. Babin tackled Ellington and walked away from the pile holding a handful of dreadlocks in his band, ESPN reports.

After expecting the hair Babin then dropped it on the ground. After the game, Mark Dalton, Cardinals vice president of media relations wrote on Twitter that Ellington had been given his lost locks back.

"Hair loss update on Andre Ellington; the lost locks were not extensions but indeed real hair 5 years in the making; return is questionable," he said.

Ellington seems to be taken the whole thing in stride and said after the game: "A little taunt but what can you say? Hair is an accessory. Nothing serious. We got the win."

The 24-year-old athlete then tweeted to his followers that he was doing fine and would be sowing the missing dreads back in. He also explained that the hair wasn't ripped from his scalp but was torn from the ends of his hair.

"Hair is all good. Nothing serious. Look worse than it really was. S/o to the dread heads! Will get it stitched back in. Birdgang got the win!" he tweeted.

"My hair was not ripped from my head. It's jus torn What is wrong with u ppl lol," he continued.

"No weave lol. It's going to be my real hair that I'll have sewed back together. I still have my dreads its jus shorter," he tweeted too Fox Sports broadcaster Erin Andrews.