James Corden Impersonates Bill Murray For ‘Groundhog Day’-Themed Monologue (VIDEO)

The Groundhog Day holiday falls on Feb. 2 every year and traditionally predicts whether or not spring will come early or winter will stick around for longer than it's welcome. These days the term Groundhog Day can also mean being stuck in a time loop thanks to the Bill Murray film "Groundhog Day." "The Late Late Show" host James Corden relived his Monday night monologue over and over again for his tribute to the 1993 film.

Like the film, Corden was the only one who noticed he was being sent back in time and that events continued to repeat themselves. The clip saw the host become increasingly unhinged as he attempted to get through the same joke three times in a row as his guests Randall Park and Nathan Fillion repeated the same bits in which Park held a coffee mug on his head and Fillion gave the host a rose. Corden then asked his bandleader, Reggie Watts, if his jokes felt fresh.

"I mean, have they ever?" Watts replied. "I'm just saying, your style is you like the stale."

"That sounds like a conversation for another time," Corden said.

Corden's solution to the time loop was to skip the monologue completely and go straight to his desk, but even that did not work.

Check out the clip below to see Corden take on Bill Murray in "Groundhog Day":

James Corden, The Late Late Show, Bill Murray, Groundhog Day, Nathan Fillion