Saudi Arabia Tops List of Twitter Users

A recent market study reveals that there are more teenagers on Twitter compared to Facebook with the U.S. ranking eight in terms of usage.

PeerReach conducted a recent market survey across the world to determine maximum number of active users on Twitter. Saudi Arabia tops the chart with more than one third of the population, (approximately 31 percent) using the micro blogging site. The findings may sound slightly disappointing for U.S. citizens, it ranks eighth on the list, according to tech2.

It seems the extreme climate in the Middle-East is one of the reasons for the teenagers to resort to social networking sites as an easy means of recreation. Twitter also serves as a forum of discussion for most intellectuals, and foreigners in Saudi Arabia use the platform as an easy mode of communication.

Surprisingly, none of the English speaking countries are in the top five rankings. Indonesia stands next to Saudi Arabia and Spain at number three followed by Venezuela and Argentina. The market study shows nearly 19 percent of the population of Indonesia is actively involved in tweeting.

The data by PeerReach revealed that consumers in Indonesia and Saudi Arabia mostly use Twitter on mobiles. In fact, mobile internet is more easily accessible in these countries resulting in more than 72 percent of the population in Saudi Arabia using Twitter on mobile, stated Ammar Mardawi, executive director of Kindy Company, according to pr-inside.

The number of people using social networking sites is quite low in countries like Nigeria, Germany and India, the survey reveals.

Only 20 percent of the Twitter population is aged above 30. On an average, most Twitter users are in their mid-20s with males aged 26 and above and women slightly early beginners at 22.

China is not on the list as Twitter is banned over there. The other countries in the top ten list are UK, Netherlands, U.S., Japan and Colombia.

Saudi Arabia, U, S, Active, Users, Population, Twitter, Indonesia, Market, Study, Teenagers, Mobile, Social
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