‘Jessica Jones’ Season 2 RUMORS: Rachael Taylor Wants To Play Marvel’s Hellcat

Trish Walker is a good friend, a savvy entertainer and a badass in her own right on Marvel's hit Netflix series "Jessica Jones." But she isn't a superhero. Yet.

Actress Rachael Taylor is ready to make the leap from sidekick to bona fide hero should Marvel feel so inclined. There were plenty of hints in "Jessica Jones'" first season that Trish may develop into a crime fighter somewhere down the line. She endured intense physical combat training, almost took Will Simpson's super soldier pills and the basis of her character - Patsy Walker - went on to become Hellcat in the comic books.

Taylor told CBR News that she's ready to take the plunge if it should come in season two.

"She declares it in the show," Taylor said. "Jessica says, 'What else could you possibly want Trish?' And Trish says, 'Well, to save the world, of course.' Which is kind of a very unusual thing for a character to say. I do think there's a part of her that would love to make it right in the way that she thinks Jessica could make it right if she was just to overcome her dysfunctions and put down the bottle...Yeah, I'd love to get my teeth into whatever happens to the character."

It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for Marvel to introduce another hero on the small screen. The first season of "Jessica Jones" featured Mike Colter as Luke Cage before his own solo series is set to debut later this year. The second season of "Daredevil" will feature Jon Bernthal as Frank Castle/The Punisher and Netflix is now reportedly mulling over his own potential solo series.

So bring on Hellcat, Marvel. We're ready for her and so is Rachael Taylor.

Marvel, Marvel Cinematic Universe, Jessica Jones, Rachael Taylor, Daredevil, Jon bernthal, The Punisher