Rick Santorum Unable To Name Marco Rubio's Senate Accomplishments After Endorsement

Rick Santorum, fresh off his withdrawal from the 2016 presidential race, failed to name a single accomplishment by Marco Rubio during his Senate term that he thought voters could find attractive. Appearing on MSNBC Thursday morning after announcing Wednesday night that he would drop from the race and endorse Rubio, Santorum stammered around the question of Rubio's achievements in his role as senator.

"Well, I mean, I would just say that this is a guy who's been able to, number one, win a tough election in Florida and pull people together from a variety of different spots. This is a guy that I think can work together with people," he said, according to MSNBC. "That's the thing I like about him the most."

"Morning Joe" host Joe Scarborough repeated the question: "So he can win, but he's been in the Senate for four years. Can you name his top accomplishment in the Senate, actually working in the Senate doing something that tilted your decision to Marco Rubio?"

Co-host Mika Brzezinski led Santorum in a different way: "Jeb Bush ran Florida. Donald Trump built a company. Marco Rubio... finish the sentence," according to Mediaite.

Santorum responded by blaming President Obama for Rubio's lack of accomplishments in the Senate, saying, "he spent four years in the United States Senate being frustrated like everybody else that nothing got done, and then you can't point to him and say nothing got done and therefore he has no accomplishments. The problem is we have a president who doesn't work with people."

"Well, I know he included something that went after the insurance companies in the most recent omnibus," Santorum said, according to The Hill. "He fought for that, to stop bailing out insurance companies. That's one thing I'm familiar that I just saw recently."

"But - and again, he was on the campaign trail and accomplished that. The bottom line is there isn't a lot of accomplishments, Joe, and I just don't think it's a fair question to say," he added.

Marco Rubio, 2016 presidential election, Republican Party, GOP, President Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Jeb Bush