Jennifer Lopez Goes Makeup-Free In Hilarious Dubsmash Clip With Boyfriend Casper Smart (VIDEO)

Jennifer Lopez isn't afraid to show off her silly side and go au natural around her boyfriend Casper Smart. She also definitely doesn't care what anyone has to say about her because the two just posted a hilarious Dubsmash video, and the typically dolled up singer/actress doesn't have a drop of makeup on. Even though J.Lo was almost unrecognizable with a fresh face, it's still unbelievable how incredible she looks at 46 years old.

In the video, which Smart posted to Instagram, the two are in bed lip syncing the "White Girl's Anthem," as they call it. It's a song that goes to the music from Kendrick Lamar's "Swimming Pools (Drank)," and the two go back and forth reciting the lines of typical "white girl" things like Starbucks, Chipotle, yoga pants, and even more Starbucks, while Lopez hilariously mouths the words, "Yaass!"

So how does Lopez keep her skin and body looking so amazing, even without all the glitz and glam?

"Beauty comes from [the] inside. It's been said many times, but I believe it's the truth," she told WebMD. "When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you are a better person. I just breathe and clear my mind. Sometimes we just have to do nothing, just breathe...In terms of style, I encourage other women to first be comfortable then have fun. Life is meant to be fun!"

As for her secret to beautiful skin, she believes in getting plenty of sleep and relaxing her body at the end of a hectic day. "I treasure my time to sleep," she added. "It's just as important as eating or exercise...I believe that life is a balance of mind, body and soul. As I journey through my life experience, I have a better understanding of how true this really is. When your life is balanced, you are happy and excel in everything."

Watch the hilarious Dubsmash video below!

 # #dubsmash #starbucks #chipotle #yogapants #morestarbucks #yasssss #whitegirlsanthem

A video posted by B Smart (@beaucaspersmart) on Feb 2, 2016 at 4:51pm PST

Jennifer lopez, Casper Smart