Cloud Bread Recipe: Prepare Newest No-Carb Food Obsession With Three Ingredients (VIDEO)

Cloud bread is ripping through Pinterest's trending posts and has received over 73 percent repins of late. The recipe is growing popular because it's supposed to be a healthy alternative to regular bread. It's made with only three ingredients and has no carbohydrates or fat, and it's gluten-free and low on calories, according to Teen Vogue.

"Cloud bread can be part of a healthy diet because it satisfies your cravings for carbohydrates without guilt, sugar and wheat," health coach Emily Littlefield said, The Huffington Post reported. It's a good alternative for those watching their diet or trying to lose weight but can't give up their love for bread.

"From a micronutrient perspective, cloud bread contains numerous nutrients not found in traditional bread, including vitamin A, vitamin D, phosphorus, choline, and selenium," nutritionist Edwina Clark said via Women's Health. "These nutrients support eyes, bones, metabolism, cognitive function, and immunity."

However, Clark cautions that if you use cloud bread to replace regular bread, you will still need to eat other forms of carbohydrates to help your body burn energy. You can sustain this with high-fiber cereals, fruit and quinoa.

Below is the cloud bread recipe.

Main ingredients:
3 eggs (separate the white from the yolk)
3 tablespoons of room-temperature low-fat cottage cheese or cream cheese
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder or cream of tartar (use one or the other)

Optional ingredients:

3 teaspoons of honey or Stevia
a dash of salt


Pre-heat the oven at 300 degrees F and line your baking sheet with parchment paper.

Add the cheese to the bowl of yolk and combine well until it's without lumps. You may add the optional ingredients at this point.

Add baking powder or cream of tartar in the other bowl with the egg whites and then whip it up until it forms stiff peaks. Then combine with other bowl. Don't over mix, as the texture will turn watery.

Scoop mixture with a spoon and place a dollop on the baking sheet. Set in the oven for 15 to 20 minutes.

Remove from the oven and let it cool down before putting in a bag. It's important to store the cloud bread well, or it will harden like biscuits.

Cloud bread is best eaten after it has set and cooled overnight.

Watch the video below for more on cloud bread recipe:

Gluten-free, Vitamin D, Metabolism, Eggs