Meek Mill: Rapper Sentenced To 90 Days House Arrest For Parole Violations

Meek Mill, a.k.a. Robert Williams, was sentenced to serve 90 days under house arrest by a Philadelphia judge on Friday for parole violations, according to the Associated Press.

Common Pleas judge Genece Brinkley, who has previously sent Mill to jail, also handed down an additional six years of probation to the rapper. Mill was lucky to dodge a jail sentence for violating the terms of his parole in a 2009 drug and run case.

The rapper was accused of violating his parole multiple times by making trips without seeking permission from his probation officer, including one to New York for a concert and several others to meet girlfriend Nicki Minaj, who was seated in the first row during the hearing. Prosecutors also argued that Mill faked a drug test by submitting cold water instead of urine, according to Billboard.

During the three months of house arrest, which goes into effect March 1, Mill is prohibited from working and has been ordered to do community service every day with adults rather than young people, according to USA Today.

Meek Mill, Parole, Philadelphia, Probation, Jail, Sentenced, Sentence, Nicki Minaj, Rapper