Ben Stiller And Owen Wilson: ‘Zoolander’ Stars Break Down Presidential Fashion On ‘SNL’ (VIDEO)

Last night on the Larry David-hosted episode of "Saturday Night Live," Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson stopped by Weekend Update as their "Zoolander" characters Derek and Hansel to talk the fashion of this year's group of presidential candidates.

"We're here to talk about the one thing everyone wants to hear male models talk about: politics," Wilson, as Hansel, said to Weekend Update host Colin Jost.

The two actors then ran through the list of frontrunners in both parties, including Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

"Well, you know, Hillary is from the 90s, which is really hot right now," Wilson said. "They remade The X-Files and Full House - and I don't know if you saw this on the news Tuesday, but O.J. Simpson killed again."

"Donny's just like us. He has the classic male model looks," Stiller said before naming Trump's three looks as "Orange Mocha Crapaccino," "Hot Mess" and "Second Place."

The pair then set their eyes on Ted Cruz, who they mistook as an out-of-shape Tom Cruise.

Check out the whole segment below:

Saturday Night Live, SNL, Ben Stiller, Zoolander, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz