Parenting Hack: Best Items Moms And Dads Must Always Stash In The Car

Whether you're going on a road trip or driving within the neighborhood, some things are just bound to happen when you have kids in the car. Prepare for these instances by keeping your car stashed with the essentials. Here are the seven best items to keep in the car if you have kids:

1) Umbrellas, Hat/Visor
With the weather being very unpredictable, having a handy umbrella tucked in the car can be useful. Invest in an aerodynamically-designed one that's also storm proof. Similarly, pack a hat or visor in the car in case the sun gets too bright while you're out. The kids can also wear a hat to block off the light coming in through the car window.

2) Hand Sanitizer
Moms are likely to have this in their purses, but keeping a bottle in the car is also handy. Some hand sanitizers contain high amounts of alcohol, so pick one that is safe for kids to use and store it properly in the car. "Due to high alcohol content in hand sanitizer, alcohol poisoning and intoxication is possible if a large amount is absorbed by drinking, using on damaged skin or using on babies who don't have a fully developed skin barrier. Because the alcohol concentration is high - more than hard liquor - and young kids have a low body weight, prevention of accidental or purposeful ingestion is important," said Dr. Peggy Decker of the Mayo Clinic, according to Dayton Daily News.

3) Tissues Or Toilet Paper Rolls
This will be helpful in many instances: when a kid has a runny nose, when a child spills a drink in the car or to help mom fix her lipstick before stepping out of the car. A box of tissues can also double as a squishy pillow when the child takes a nap in the car, according to Puffs.

4) Water Bottle
Keep an extra bottle of water in the car in case your child gets thirsty during the ride so you don't have to make stop. However, make sure that the water is fresh and that the reusable bottle isn't too hot as chemicals can leach in an unsafe, warm container, according to Real Simple.

5) Towel
Aside from wiping up messes, these can also double as a blanket for quick naps in the car.

6) Seat Belt Cutter And Window Breaker
Keep these in your car's toolbox in case of emergencies. They cost less than $10 at Amazon.

7) First Aid Kit
If you have kids, a first aid kit is a necessity. Fill this with medication and tools for treating wounds, scrapes and cuts.

Also read: Medicine Cabinet Checklist: What You Should And Shouldn't Keep In Your Medicine Cabinet

Hand sanitizer, Alcohol Poisoning, Parenting