Felix The Huddersfield Station Cat Gets A Promotion

Felix is the widely-loved station cat of Huddersfield Railway Station in West Yorkshire, United Kingdom. She's worked at the station for five years, catching vermin like rats and mice, and boosting the morale of commuters. She's paid in treats and even has her own kitty door to bypass ticket turnstiles and doors. This week, she received a promotion, which came with a high-visibility jacket, an ID badge and the title of Official Pest Control Manager, reported the Huddersfield Examiner.

Felix got her name when she first arrived at the station as a 9-month-old kitten and the workers thought she was male. Even though a vet's visit later indicated that she's female, the name had already stuck, reported the Daily Mail.

She has her own Facebook page that, thanks to promotion and its media coverage, jumped from 1,500 likes to 8,500, reported Buzzfeed. She patrols the station all day, sometimes sitting and watching from the platforms when it gets busy during rush hour. She stands vigilant and catches mice every day.

"The promotion is just a nice appreciation of Felix's work. It is a reward for nearly five years of service. Her presence just brings a smile. She can often be found on the concourse just sitting on a podium next to me during the busy periods. The morning commuters just glance at Felix and it brings a smile out of them. Felix is part of the family here, although she does like to think that she runs the place," said Charles Bamford, a customer service assistant at the station, reported the Daily Mail.

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England, Uk, Promotion, Mice