George Zimmerman: Justice Department Announces Imminent Decision to Pursue Civil Rights Charges Against Man Who Killed Trayvon Martin

George Zimmerman may be facing further legal action in the case of murdered teenager Trayvon Martin, one day after he was arrested for a domestic dispute concerning his girlfriend.

The Justice Department announced on Wednesday that it will decide "relatively soon" whether to pursue civil rights charges against Zimmerman, who was acquitted of all murder charges after he shot unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin earlier this year. According to the New York Daily News, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stated that the agency, if it decides to go after the case, will also release details on the legal questions and hard evidence from the lawsuit.

Holder has, in the past, called Trayvon's racially charged killing a "tragic, unnecessary shooting death."

30-year-old former neighborhood watch volunteer Zimmerman was arrested on Tuesday after he allegedly pointed a long-barreled shotgun in the face of his girlfriend Samantha Scheibe, 27, who is rumored to be pregnant with his child.

He was released the same day on a $9,000 bond. A Florida judge ruled that Zimmerman is not allowed to leave the state, nor can he possess arms.

When police arrived at the scene of the argument between Zimmerman and Scheibe, the girlfriend informed officers that the Sanford, Fla. resident had an AR-15 rifle, a shotgun and two handguns at her house.

Zimmerman shot and killed unarmed Black teenager Trayvon Martin while he was walking through the neighborhood watch volunteer's housing complex. Martin's death, coupled with Zimmerman's acquittal, set off national outcry, prompting questions of racially charged legislation and justice in America.